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Abengoa: Plant using waste-to-biofuels (W2B) technology
Die untenstehende Meldung ist eine Original-Meldung des Unternehmens. Sie ist nicht von der ECOreporter.de-Redaktion bearbeitet. Die presserechtliche Verantwortlichkeit liegt bei dem meldenden Unternehmen.
Seville - Abengoa (MCE: ABG.B), the international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainable development in the energy and environment sectors, has started operations at the demonstration plant that uses waste-to-biofuels (W2B) technology. The plant has a capacity to treat 25,000 tons of municipal solid waste (MSW), from which up to 1.5 million liters of bioethanol will be produced for use as fuel.
The demonstration plant in Babilafuente (Salamanca, Spain) uses W2B technology developed by Abengoa to produce second generation biofuels from MSW using a fermentation treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. During the transformation process, the organic matter is subjected to various treatments to produce organic fiber that is rich in cellulose and hemicellulose, which can subsequently be converted into bioethanol.
Furthermore, Abengoa’s technology is not just limited to treating the organic fraction of MSW but also enables the remaining components to be used, whether recyclable, non-recyclable or other plastics, by means of different technologies to obtain biodiesel and to recover energy to generate steam and electricity.
The new plant incorporates the infrastructure of the biomass plant that has been run continuously for more than 6,000 hours in order to validate the technical and economic viability of the technology. This is an innovative treatment that represents a revolution in the management of MSW. The design allows the plant to be operated flexibly in order to assess the performance and costs of different configurations.
Abengoa has spent years working on a solution that will efficiently manage MSW while also producing energy in a sustainable way. As a result of its work in this field, Abengoa has proprietary technology for producing bioethanol using biomass as the raw material, from different sources. The technology has been successfully proven at its pilot plant in York (Nebraska, USA) and at its demonstration plant in Salamanca (Spain). It is also being implemented at its plant in Hugoton (Kansas, USA), one of the first commercial-scale plants producing second generation bioethanol, which has a capacity of 100 million liters per year and will come into operation at the end of 2013.
The production of bioethanol from municipal solid waste is a major technological advance in the waste management model, since it increases the recovery rate, minimizes the carbon footprint and generates major benefits for society.
About Abengoa
Abengoa (MCE: ABG.B) is an international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainable development in the energy and environment sectors, generating electricity from the sun, producing biofuels, desalinating sea water and recycling industrial waste. (www.abengoa.com)
Communication Department:
Patricia Malo de Molina Meléndez.
Tel: +34 954 93 71 11
E-mail: [email protected]
Investor relations
Bárbara Zubiría Furest.
Tel: +34 954 937 111
E-mail: [email protected]
Seville - Abengoa (MCE: ABG.B), the international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainable development in the energy and environment sectors, has started operations at the demonstration plant that uses waste-to-biofuels (W2B) technology. The plant has a capacity to treat 25,000 tons of municipal solid waste (MSW), from which up to 1.5 million liters of bioethanol will be produced for use as fuel.
The demonstration plant in Babilafuente (Salamanca, Spain) uses W2B technology developed by Abengoa to produce second generation biofuels from MSW using a fermentation treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. During the transformation process, the organic matter is subjected to various treatments to produce organic fiber that is rich in cellulose and hemicellulose, which can subsequently be converted into bioethanol.
Furthermore, Abengoa’s technology is not just limited to treating the organic fraction of MSW but also enables the remaining components to be used, whether recyclable, non-recyclable or other plastics, by means of different technologies to obtain biodiesel and to recover energy to generate steam and electricity.
The new plant incorporates the infrastructure of the biomass plant that has been run continuously for more than 6,000 hours in order to validate the technical and economic viability of the technology. This is an innovative treatment that represents a revolution in the management of MSW. The design allows the plant to be operated flexibly in order to assess the performance and costs of different configurations.
Abengoa has spent years working on a solution that will efficiently manage MSW while also producing energy in a sustainable way. As a result of its work in this field, Abengoa has proprietary technology for producing bioethanol using biomass as the raw material, from different sources. The technology has been successfully proven at its pilot plant in York (Nebraska, USA) and at its demonstration plant in Salamanca (Spain). It is also being implemented at its plant in Hugoton (Kansas, USA), one of the first commercial-scale plants producing second generation bioethanol, which has a capacity of 100 million liters per year and will come into operation at the end of 2013.
The production of bioethanol from municipal solid waste is a major technological advance in the waste management model, since it increases the recovery rate, minimizes the carbon footprint and generates major benefits for society.
About Abengoa
Abengoa (MCE: ABG.B) is an international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainable development in the energy and environment sectors, generating electricity from the sun, producing biofuels, desalinating sea water and recycling industrial waste. (www.abengoa.com)
Communication Department:
Patricia Malo de Molina Meléndez.
Tel: +34 954 93 71 11
E-mail: [email protected]
Investor relations
Bárbara Zubiría Furest.
Tel: +34 954 937 111
E-mail: [email protected]