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Capstone: Order from Italy
Capstone Turbine Corp. meldet einen Auftrag aus Italien. Lesen Sie dazu die Original-Meldung des US-Anbieters von emissionsarmen Mikroturbinen in englischer Sprache.
Die untenstehende Meldung ist eine Original-Meldung des Unternehmens. Sie ist nicht von der ECOreporter.de-Redaktion bearbeitet.
Capstone Turbine Corporation (www.capstoneturbine.com) (CPST), the world's leading clean technology manufacturer of microturbine energy systems, announced that that it received an order for a C1000 Signature Series microturbine to upgrade a local district heating facility in Northwest Italy.
IBT Group, Capstone’s Italian distributor, secured the order, which is expected to be commissioned in November 2016.
The natural gas-fueled C1000S microturbine will be installed in a combined heat and power (CHP) application to produce primary power and superheated water at over 80 percent efficiency. The 1MW microturbine will operate in dual mode, which allows customers to operate independently of, or with, the grid in a load sharing capacity.
The facility, which is located at an elevation of 2,000 meters, is owned and operated by an energy service company (ESCO) based in Genoa, Italy. Capstone microturbines were selected for their low emissions, backup power capabilities as well as their ability to operate efficiently at higher elevations.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Italy’s economy has one of the highest CHP potentials among major European economies leading up to 2030.
“As the European market strengthens, IBT Group continues to secure high-profile orders from organizations looking to reduce their emissions and energy costs,” said Jim Crouse, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Capstone Turbine. “There is a great deal of opportunity for Capstone in Italy, especially in the energy efficiency space,” added Mr. Crouse.
About Capstone Turbine Corporation
Capstone Turbine Corporation (www.capstoneturbine.com) (CPST) is the world's leading producer of low-emission microturbine systems and was the first to market commercially viable microturbine energy products. Capstone has shipped approximately 8,800 Capstone Microturbine systems to customers worldwide. These award-winning systems have logged millions of documented runtime operating hours. Capstone is a member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Combined Heat and Power Partnership, which is committed to improving the efficiency of the nation's energy infrastructure and reducing emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases. A UL-Certified ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certified company, Capstone is headquartered in the Los Angeles area with sales and/or service centers in the New York Metro Area, United Kingdom, Mexico City, Shanghai and Singapore.
Die untenstehende Meldung ist eine Original-Meldung des Unternehmens. Sie ist nicht von der ECOreporter.de-Redaktion bearbeitet.
Capstone Turbine Corporation (www.capstoneturbine.com) (CPST), the world's leading clean technology manufacturer of microturbine energy systems, announced that that it received an order for a C1000 Signature Series microturbine to upgrade a local district heating facility in Northwest Italy.
IBT Group, Capstone’s Italian distributor, secured the order, which is expected to be commissioned in November 2016.
The natural gas-fueled C1000S microturbine will be installed in a combined heat and power (CHP) application to produce primary power and superheated water at over 80 percent efficiency. The 1MW microturbine will operate in dual mode, which allows customers to operate independently of, or with, the grid in a load sharing capacity.
The facility, which is located at an elevation of 2,000 meters, is owned and operated by an energy service company (ESCO) based in Genoa, Italy. Capstone microturbines were selected for their low emissions, backup power capabilities as well as their ability to operate efficiently at higher elevations.
According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Italy’s economy has one of the highest CHP potentials among major European economies leading up to 2030.
“As the European market strengthens, IBT Group continues to secure high-profile orders from organizations looking to reduce their emissions and energy costs,” said Jim Crouse, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Capstone Turbine. “There is a great deal of opportunity for Capstone in Italy, especially in the energy efficiency space,” added Mr. Crouse.
About Capstone Turbine Corporation
Capstone Turbine Corporation (www.capstoneturbine.com) (CPST) is the world's leading producer of low-emission microturbine systems and was the first to market commercially viable microturbine energy products. Capstone has shipped approximately 8,800 Capstone Microturbine systems to customers worldwide. These award-winning systems have logged millions of documented runtime operating hours. Capstone is a member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Combined Heat and Power Partnership, which is committed to improving the efficiency of the nation's energy infrastructure and reducing emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases. A UL-Certified ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certified company, Capstone is headquartered in the Los Angeles area with sales and/or service centers in the New York Metro Area, United Kingdom, Mexico City, Shanghai and Singapore.