Carmanah Technologies: Order from US Marine Corps

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Victoria, British Columbia - In a public bid worth $175,000, Carmanah Technologies solar airfield products have been selected by the US Marine Corps for deployment in support of Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA). Including Carmanah solar-powered runway edge and threshold lights, taxiway lights and obstruction lights and mounting hardware, the order represents one of many temporary or permanent off-grid airfield deployments employed by US and NATO bases throughout the world.

Upon shipment, the Carmanah A704 wireless runway edge lights, A650 taxiway lights, and A650 obstruction lights are immediately deployable to support humanitarian or military operations in CJTF-HOA. In addition to avoiding cabling costs and installation logistics, the innately mobile lights are also immune to grid failures or instability.

“Carmanah has proven its capability and performance within the aviation industry. Our list of installations in the defense and commercial airfield markets is substantial and continues to grow,” said Carmanah CEO Bruce Cousins. “With remote monitoring and control, infrared capability, and high intensity technology optimized for Northern latitudes, we believe that our products will continue to be unmatched particularly where a demand for energy independence, quality and reliability exist in the marketplace.”

In 2013, Carmanah supplied hundreds of taxiway and runway lights for U.S. Air Force bases in Colorado, Kansas, Arizona, Mississippi and Delaware. In 2012, Carmanah launched the A704-H; a high-intensity solar LED airfield light that meets standards for medium-intensity runway lighting (“MIRL”) and high intensity runway lighting (“HIRL”) up to 500 candela (in white). It is also capable of Infrared (“IR”) modes for Night Vision Goggle (“NVG”) operation and is ideal for deployment in permanent or temporary airfields and helipads and as backup emergency lighting systems.

About Carmanah Technologies Corporation

As one of the most trusted names in solar technology, Carmanah has earned a reputation for delivering strong and effective products for industrial applications worldwide. Industry proven to perform reliably in some of the world's harshest environments, Carmanah solar LED lights and solar power systems provide a durable, dependable and cost effective energy alternative. Carmanah pursues its business strategy within six distinctive product offerings: outdoor lighting, marine signal, aviation signals, traffic signals, grid-tie and mobile. Carmanah is a publicly traded company, with common shares listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "CMH”. For more information, visit

Carmanah Technologies Corporation
“Roland Sartorius”
Roland Sartorius, Chief Financial Officer

For further information:

Investor Relations: Roland Sartorius
Toll-Free: 1.877.722.8877
[email protected]

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