Manz Automation AG: Umfirmierung zu Manz AG angestrebt

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Reutlingen - Der Name ist Programm: Aus der Manz Automation AG wird die Manz AG. Damit kommuniziert der weltweit tätige Hightech-Maschinenbauer seine erweiterte Kompetenz und die Entwicklung vom Automatisierungsspezialisten zum Anbieter von integrierten Produktionssystemen. Manz entwickelt und baut heute Prozess-Anlagen für die Photovoltaik-Industrie, zur Herstellung von Flachbildschirmen und touch panels sowie Lithium-Ionen-Batterien.

"Nach fast einem Vierteljahrhundert im Geschäft können wir heute viel mehr als nur Automation, da soll uns der Firmenname nicht einengen", sagt Dieter Manz, Gründer und CEO des Unternehmens. Bereits seit einigen Jahren legt Manz seinen Kompetenzschwerpunkt auf integrierte Produktionssysteme und antizipiert damit einen Trend zu immer kürzeren Prozessketten. "Über 20 Arbeitsschritte sind nötig für die Modulhersteller, um ein Dünnschicht-Solarmodul herzustellen. Dazu haben sie auch 20 unterschiedliche Prozessmaschinen im Einsatz. Ich bin überzeugt, in wenigen Jahren werden das deutlich weniger sein, weil der anhaltende Kostendruck unsere Kunden zu immer höherer Effizienz zwingt. Wir werden Maschinen bauen, die mehrere Prozessschritte abarbeiten können, aber dafür müssen wir erst einmal jeden einzelnen dieser Schritte beherrschen", erklärt Dieter Manz.

Mit dem Claim passion for efficiency geben die Ingenieure der Manz AG auch künftig das Leistungsversprechen, ihren in wichtigen Zukunftsbranchen tätigen Kunden immer effizientere Produktionsanlagen anzubieten. Auf der Presseveranstaltung manz media day am 1. September 2011 werden das Management des Unternehmens und externe Branchenpersönlichkeiten über die Trends in den Kernmärkten der Manz AG informieren.

Die Namensänderung ist erst nach Eintrag ins Handelsregister rechtskräftig.


Change of Name: Manz Automation AG is now Manz AG

- The high-tech engineering company is communicating its new self-image
- The focus of its expertise has been on integrated production systems for fast-growing industries for many years
- Being active in a wide range of industries guarantees Manz's "growth story"

Reutlingen, June 30, 2011. The name says it all: Manz Automation AG is now Manz AG. By making this change, the globally active high-tech engineering company is communicating its expanded range of expertise and its development from a specialist for automation solutions to a supplier of integrated production systems. Today, Manz develops and builds processing equipment for the photovoltaic industry, for manufacturing flat panel displays and touch panels, as well as for lithium-ion batteries.

"After being in business for close to a quarter of a century, we can do a lot more today than just automation, and our name shouldn't restrict us to just that field," says Dieter Manz, founder and CEO of the company. Manz has focused its expertise on integrated production systems for several years now, anticipating a trend toward increasingly shorter process chains. "Module manufacturers need to carry out more than 20 individual steps to manufacture a thin-film solar module. And in order to do so, they have to run 20 different processing machines. I am confident that, in a few years, this number will be much smaller, since the sustained cost pressure is forcing them to become increasingly efficient. We will build machines that can complete several steps of the process, but first we need to master each and every one of those steps," explains Dieter Manz.

With its slogan passion for efficiency, Manz's engineers are making the promise to continue offering its customers - all companies active in important future markets - increasingly efficient production equipment. At the manz media day press event on September 1, 2011, members of senior management and prominent figures from around the industry will provide information about the trends in Manz AG's core markets.

The change of name is effective after entry in the trade register.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen // Best regards,

Dominic Großmann

cometis AG
Unter den Eichen 7
65195 Wiesbaden
Tel: 0611 / 20 58 55-15
Fax: 0611 / 20 58 55-66
E-Mail: [email protected]

Vorstand: Michael Diegelmann, Henryk Deter, Ulrich Wiehle
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Sascha Gröger Amtsgericht Wiesbaden HRB 21270



About us:
cometis is a consultancy focusing on financial and corporate communication. Founded in 2000 and originally based in Frankfurt/Main the company is now based in Wiesbaden, the capital of the German state of Hesse. Our team of about 20 employees commands long-standing experience on the capital markets, and this forms the foundations for our top-of-the-range strategic, operational and methodical consulting services. cometis has realized 19 IPO projects and two additional stock market listings over the past four years, thus establishing itself as a leading IR consultancy in Germany.

In addition to supporting capital market transactions, we also offer a broad range of services to our clients for ongoing financial communication. These include drafting content as well as designing quarterly and annual reports, investor presentations, press and ad hoc releases, corporate Web sites, organizing media and investor roadshows, as well as preparing for annual shareholders' meetings. A key focus of our consulting services is personal coaching for company representatives. We offer both individual media and financial coaching and special sessions for fair and unfair dialectics. In our Corporate Communications business unit we support our clients with ongoing communication with internal and external target groups.

Our consultants combine in-depth business management, economic, journalistic and graphical expertise with the very best communication skills. In addition to our strong service orientation we reach pragmatic, immediately workable solutions for our clients' effective communication. At the same time, our extensive network of contacts with the national and international capital markets and media representatives support you in realizing your objectives.

You can find further information and references from various industries on our Web site


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cometis is a consultancy focusing on financial and corporate communication. Founded in 2000 and originally based in Frankfurt/Main the company is now based in Wiesbaden, the capital of the German state of Hesse. Our team of about 20 employees commands long-standing experience on the capital markets, and this forms the foundations for our top-of-the-range strategic, operational and methodical consulting services. cometis has realized 14 IPO projects and two additional stock market listings over the past four years, thus establishing itself as a leading IR consultancy in Germany.
In addition to supporting capital market transactions, we also offer a broad range of services to our clients for ongoing financial communication. These include drafting content as well as designing quarterly and annual reports, investor presentations, press and ad hoc releases, corporate Web sites, organizing media and investor roadshows, as well as preparing for annual shareholders' meetings. A key focus of our consulting services is personal coaching for company representatives. We offer both individual media and financial coaching and special sessions for fair and unfair dialectics. In our Corporate Communications business unit we support our clients with ongoing communication with internal and external target groups.
Our consultants combine in-depth business management, economic, journalistic and graphical expertise with the very best communication skills. In addition to our strong service orientation we reach pragmatic, immediately workable solutions for our clients' effective communication. At the same time, our extensive network of contacts with the national and international capital markets and media representatives support you in realizing your objectives.
You can find further information and references from various industries on our Website

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