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Ørsted trennt sich von Offshore-Windpark: Hoher Jahresgewinn erwartet
Divestment abgeschlossen: Der dänische Energiekonzern Ørsted hat seine Anteile am Nordsee-Windpark Borkum Riffgrund 2 übertragen. Das Unternehmen bestätigte zudem seine Prognose für das Jahresergebnis 2017 - am oberen Ende der bisher erwarteten Bandbreite.
Die untenstehende Meldung ist eine Original-Meldung des Unternehmens. Sie ist nicht von der ECOreporter.de-Redaktion bearbeitet. Die presserechtliche Verantwortlichkeit liegt bei dem meldenden Unternehmen.
Ørsted completes the divestment of Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm and now expects full-year EBITDA to come in around DKK 21 billion
Further to our company announcement issued on 7 August 2017, Ørsted has today completed the divestment of 50% of the Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm to Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP). The acquisition price will be paid in 2017, and the EPC contract payments will be made during 2017 and 2018.
With the completion of the farm-down, we now expect EBITDA in 2017 to materialise at approximately DKK 21 billion compared to the previously guided range of DKK 19-21 billion.
The information in this announcement does not change Ørsteds expected investment level for 2017.
Die untenstehende Meldung ist eine Original-Meldung des Unternehmens. Sie ist nicht von der ECOreporter.de-Redaktion bearbeitet. Die presserechtliche Verantwortlichkeit liegt bei dem meldenden Unternehmen.
Ørsted completes the divestment of Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm and now expects full-year EBITDA to come in around DKK 21 billion
Further to our company announcement issued on 7 August 2017, Ørsted has today completed the divestment of 50% of the Borkum Riffgrund 2 offshore wind farm to Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP). The acquisition price will be paid in 2017, and the EPC contract payments will be made during 2017 and 2018.
With the completion of the farm-down, we now expect EBITDA in 2017 to materialise at approximately DKK 21 billion compared to the previously guided range of DKK 19-21 billion.
The information in this announcement does not change Ørsteds expected investment level for 2017.