Nachhaltige Aktien, Meldungen

Royal Wessanen: Mehr Umsatz und Gewinn in 2014

Der niederländische Biolebensmittelhersteller Royal Wessanen hat eine verbesserte Bilanz für 2014 vorgelegt. Der Umsatz kletterte demnach gegenüber 2013 um 6,4 Prozent auf auf 433,5 Millionen Euro. Der Gewinn vor Steuern und Zinsen (EBIT) lag mit 23,6 Millionen Euro 21 Prozent über dem Niveau des Vorjahres. Auch im vierten Quartal verbesserte Royal Wessanen Umsatz und EBIT. Lesen Sie dazu die Original-Medlung des Unternehmens in englischer Sprache.

Die untenstehende Meldung ist eine Original-Meldung des Unternehmens. Sie ist nicht von der bearbeitet. Die presserechtliche Verantwortlichkeit liegt bei dem meldenden Unternehmen.

 Wessanen Q4 and full year 2014 earnings release

Q4 2014 highlights

    Autonomous revenue growth 5.2%; core brands and categories performing well
        Underlying revenue growth 7.5%
    EBITE of €1.3 million, impacted by higher long-term incentive plan expenses (€1.1 mln) and increased marketing spending
    In January, we acquired Abafoods, a European expert in organic vegetal drinks
    Net cash position of €27.3 million (year end 2013: net debt €50.7 million)

Full year 2014 highlights

    Transformation into a focused European player in healthy and sustainable food almost completed
        Natudis, IZICO and Bio-Distrifrais successfully divested; divestment process ABC progressing
    Revenue growth of 6.4% to €433.5 million; autonomous revenue growth of 3.8%
        Core brands performing well with five brands posting double-digit revenue growth
        New product launches and increased distribution
    EBITE increased 21% to €23.6 million while marketing investments increased
    Dividend proposed of €0.10 (wholly in cash), a doubling compared to last year's €0.05

CEO statement

Christophe Barnouin (CEO) commented: "In 2014, we made strong progress in executing our strategy to transform Wessanen into a focused European player in healthy and sustainable food. Our brands have continued to gain momentum on the back of new product launches and increased distribution.

In the fourth quarter, we recorded autonomous growth of 5.2%. This was driven by strong growth of our core brands, six of them showing double-digit increases. We invested more in marketing in the quarter and the full year to build our brands. We will continue to invest more in our brands to grow and strengthen their positions in our growing markets in 2015 as well.
Italian Abafoods strengthening our operations

Early January, we closed the acquisition of Abafoods, which is a major step in executing our strategy. Its unique expertise in organic dairy alternatives will strengthen our R&D and production capabilities to fuel the growth of our dairy alternatives brands in Europe. It also gives us critical mass in Italy, which is a large and growing organic market in Europe, with a leading brand position thanks to Isola Bio.
Non-core divestment programme

During the year, we divested Natudis and IZICO successfully, while Bio-Distrifrais has been divested early January. The divestment process of ABC is progressing. When finalised, we have transformed ourselves into a pure player in healthy and sustainable food.
A unique contribution to sustainability

By focusing our entire organisation and product portfolio exclusively on organic, fair trade, vegetarian and healthier products, all teams at Wessanen contribute every day to one clear and unified goal, defined by our mission 'healthier food, healthier people, healthier planet'."
Media, investor & analyst enquiries
Carl Hoyer (VP Corporate Communications & Investor Relations)
Phone     +31.20.3122.140 / +316.123.556.58
[email protected]
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