Siemens Gamesa erhält neuen Auftrag aus Andalusien

Der deutsch-spanische Windkraftanlagen-Hersteller Siemens Gamesa kann einen Auftrag aus Andalusien mit einer Gesamtleistung von fast 29 Megawatt (MW) verbuchen. Außerdem unterschrieb das Unternehmen einen Servicevertrag mit fünfjähriger Laufzeit. Lesen Sie unten die Mitteilung dazu im Wortlaut. 

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Siemens Gamesa to supply the turbines for Cepsa's first ever wind farm

- The company will install 11 of its G114-2.625 MW turbines at the wind facility being developed in Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz)
- Nearly 60% of the turbines installed in Andalusia have been commissioned by Siemens Gamesa

Siemens Gamesa, Spain's leading wind turbine OEM, continues to fortify its position in the country having secured a new order for the supply of the turbines for Cepsa's first ever wind farm, a project with which the Spanish energy player is diversifying its business into the renewables arena.

The wind farm, which is being developed in Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz), will be equipped with 11 of the firm's G114-2.625 MW turbines for total capacity of close to 29 MW. Siemens Gamesa has also been engaged to operate and maintain the facility for five years. The wind farm is due to come on-stream towards the end of this year.

Siemens Gamesa, Spain's leading OEM

Having installed 13,000 MW nationwide to date, Siemens Gamesa is Spain's number-one OEM, with a market share of over 55%. In addition, the company services more than 7,500 MW of turbines in Spain. Specifically, the company has installed close to 2 GW in Andalusia, which is almost 60% of the region's installed base.

Spain is also home to the company's main R&D centre as well as one of its global production and supply hubs.
Aktuell, seriös und kostenlos: Der ECOreporter-Newsletter. Seit 1999.
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