Svenska Cellulosa AB: EUR 500 million Eurobond

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Regulatory News:

Svenska Cellulosa AB (SCA) issued a EUR 500 million 10-year Eurobond under its EMTN (Euro Medium Term Note) program. The Re-offer yield was set at 2.61 per cent per year, equivalent to Euro Mid-swaps +83 bps.

The bond offering was well oversubscribed. The bond was finally placed with 80 international investors.

The bonds will be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. The proceeds of the offering is to refinance maturing debt.

Citibank, Credit Agricole, Deutsche Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland acted as joint bookrunners for the transaction.

SCA is a leading global hygiene and forest products company. The Group develops and produces sustainable personal care, tissue and forest products. Sales are conducted in about 100 countries under many strong brands, including the leading global brands TENA and Tork, and regional brands, such as Lotus, Libresse, Tempo and Libero. As Europe's largest private forest owner, SCA places considerable emphasis on sustainable forest management. The Group has about 36,000 employees and sales in 2012 amounted to SEK 85bn (EUR 9.8bn). SCA was founded in 1929, has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, and is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

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