Tetra Tech: FAA Security and Hazardous Materials Support Contract

Tetra Tech, ein Umweltdienstleister aus Kalifornien, hat einen 77-Millionen-Auftrag von der Luftfahrtbehörde der Vereinigten Staaten erhalten. Mehr dazu lesen Sie in der englischen Mitteilung des Unternehmens.

Die untenstehende Meldung ist eine Original-Meldung des Unternehmens. Sie ist nicht von der ECOreporter.de-Redaktion bearbeitet. Die presserechtliche Verantwortlichkeit liegt bei dem meldenden Unternehmen.

PASADENA, California - Tetra Tech, Inc. (TTEK) announced that the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Office of Security and Hazardous Materials Safety (ASH) has awarded the Company a contract for a maximum cumulative ceiling value of $77 million for ASH III Program Support Services. Tetra Tech will support ASH to make aviation safer and smarter through improvements in hazardous materials safety, personnel security, and facility security. ASH has the primary responsibility within the FAA for security and critical-infrastructure protection, and partners with other Federal agencies on national security matters that have a direct impact on aviation.

Under this contract, Tetra Tech will provide ASH with specialized cybersecurity services as well as help to manage FAA hazardous materials tracking systems. Tetra Tech will also offer technical services related to emergency operations, contingency planning, intelligence activities, and planning for the safe transportation of hazardous materials in air commerce.

“For more than two decades, Tetra Tech has provided support services to the FAA,” said Dan Batrack, Tetra Tech’s Chairman and CEO. “We are pleased to continue supporting the FAA ASH program in providing safe and secure airways.”

About Tetra Tech (www.tetratech.com)

Tetra Tech is a leading, global provider of consulting and engineering services. We are differentiated by Leading with Science to provide innovative technical solutions to our clients. We support global commercial and government clients focused on water, environment, infrastructure, resource management, energy, and international development. With 16,000 associates worldwide, Tetra Tech provides clear solutions to complex problems. For more information about Tetra Tech, please visit tetratech.com
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