Vestas Wind Systems meldet weiteren Auftragserfolg aus Deutschland

Der dänische Windkraftanlage-Hersteller Vestas Wind Systems hat nach einem Auftrag aus Thüringen (wir berichteten) erneut in Deutschland gepunktet. Es handele sich dabei um die 28-Megawatt-Order eines Neukunden aus Niedersachsen. Lesen Sie dazu unten die Mitteilung des Unternehmens in englischer Sprache.

Die untenstehende Meldung ist eine Original-Meldung des Unternehmens. Sie ist nicht von der bearbeitet. Die presserechtliche Verantwortlichkeit liegt bei dem meldenden Unternehmen.

New customer places 28 MW order in Germany, highlighting project management expertise as key to choosing Vestas

New customer Ebert Erneuerbare Energien Projekt GmbH & Co. KG, a family-owned enterprise, has placed a 28 MW order for eight V136-3.45 MW turbines for the Grohnde-Kirchohsen wind park in Lower Saxony in Northern Germany.

Leveraging more than 30 years of experience in the German market, Vestas' extensive expertise in project management helped the customer through a challenging process where the project faced multiple legal and administrative obstacles.

"Our project faced administrative challenges like project delays and a changing legal framework and Vestas proved to be a reliable partner in solving these. Leveraging their extensive product knowledge as well as siting expertise, Vestas optimised our low wind site. Consequently, Vestas offered a cost-effective project while at the same time ensuring a long-term profitable operation of our wind project in Grohnde-Kirchohsen despite a reduced tariff according to EEG 2017," states Dr. Tim Ebert, Owner, Ebert Erneuerbare Energien Projekt GmbH & Co. KG.

The wind park is an example of the German energy market's rapid transformation from nuclear and fossils to renewables, as the eight turbines will be installed next to the Grohnde nuclear power plant that is set to be closed in 2021.

"With the site's proximity to a closing nuclear power plant, it is a great visual symbol of wind energy's increasingly strong position. We will continue to support our new customer with our efficient service and broad project management expertise utilising our profound experience in the German market," says Nils de Baar, President Vestas Central Europe.

The order includes supply and commissioning of the wind turbines and a full-scope service agreement (AOM 5000) for 20 years. The service agreement also includes the VestasOnline® Compact SCADA solution. Wind turbine delivery and commissioning are planned for the second half of 2018.

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