Nachhaltige Aktien, Meldungen

Vestas Wind Systems: Wechsel im Vorstand

Der Windkraftanlagenhersteller Vestas Wind Systems meldet erneut einen Personalwechsel in der Führungsetage. Dag Gunnar Andresen gibt seinen Posten als Finanzchef "aus persönlichen Gründen" zum Monatsende auf und wird dann durch Marika Fredriksson ersetzt. Mehr dazu erfahren Sie in der Mitteilung des Unternehmens, die wir im Original veröffentlichen.

Vestas Wind Systems: ISIN DK0010268606 / WKN 913769

Die untenstehende Meldung ist eine Original-Meldung des Unternehmens. Sie ist nicht von der bearbeitet. Die presserechtliche Verantwortlichkeit liegt bei dem meldenden Unternehmen.

Aarhus, Denmark - Vestas Wind Systems A/S appoints Marika Fredriksson as new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and member of the Executive Management. Marika Fredriksson, a Swedish national, will take up the position as CFO of Vestas on 1 May this year. She succeeds Dag Gunnar Andresen who unfortunately has decided to leave the company by the end of this month due to personal reasons.

Marika Fredriksson has extensive experience in the role as CFO with 15 years in various industries and companies such as Gambro (2009-2012), Autoliv (2008-2009) and Volvo Construction Equipment (1996-2008). Over the years, Marika Fredriksson has also successfully participated in turnaround processes, change management and M&A. Marika Fredriksson has gained international experience by managing change programs in various parts of the world as well as key acquisitions in Korea, the USA and China. She holds a Masters’ degree from the Swedish School of Economics in Helsinki where she lived during three years.

“I would like to thank Dag Andresen for his important contribution to Vestas. At the same time, I am very pleased that we have managed to find an excellent new CFO in Marika Fredriksson, who will be joining Vestas on 1 May 2013. I am certain that she has the right competences, commitment and cultural fit into our Executive Management team,” says Group President & CEO, Ditlev Engel.

“In Marika Fredriksson we have found a new CFO with the calibre and capabilities addressing Vestas’ needs. I would like to thank Dag Andresen for his contribution to the company during the past year,” says Chairman of the board of Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Bert Nordberg.

With the appointment of the new CFO, the Executive Management team at Vestas Wind Systems A/S consists of Ditlev Engel (Group President & CEO), Anders Vedel (Chief Turbines Officer), Juan Araluce (Chief Sales Officer), Jean-Mark Lechêne (Chief Operating Officer) and Marika Fredriksson (Chief Financial Officer).

Contact details
Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Denmark
Lars Villadsen, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations
Tel.: +45 9730 7201
Morten Albæk, Group Senior Vice President, Global MarCom & Corporate Relations
Tel.: +45 4098 3174
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