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Canadian National Railway: CEO verlässt Unternehmen
Luc Jobin, CEO von Canadian National Railway, verlässt das Unternehmen ab sofort. Der kanadische Eisenbahn-Konzern sucht deshalb einen neuen Chef. Lesen Sie dazu die Mitteilung im Wortlaut.
Canadian National Railway ist eine ECOreporter-Favoriten-Aktie. Mehr über das Unternehmen erfahren Sie in diesem Porträt. An unserer Empfehlung ändert sich vorerst nichts.
Die untenstehende Meldung ist eine Original-Meldung des Unternehmens. Sie ist nicht von der ECOreporter.de-Redaktion bearbeitet. Die presserechtliche Verantwortlichkeit liegt bei dem meldenden Unternehmen.
CEO Luc Jobin is leaving CN; Board appoints Jean-Jacques Ruest Interim CEO
MONTREAL -- The Board of Directors of CN (TSX:CNR) (NYSE:CNI) announced today that Luc Jobin is leaving CN effective immediately.
The Board has appointed Jean-Jacques Ruest Interim President and Chief Executive Officer until a permanent replacement is in place. Mr. Ruest has been with the company for twenty-two years, the last eight as Executive Vice-President and Chief Marketing Officer.
"The Board believes the company needs a leader who will energize the team, realize CN’s corporate vision and take the company forward with the speed and determination CN is known for,"said Board Chairman Robert Pace. "Mr. Ruest is well known to customers and investors, and is well positioned to focus the company and its very experienced and proven team of railroaders to rapidly address operational challenges during the transition."
The Board believes that in an increasingly competitive marketplace, CN must respond with speed and innovation to retain its leadership position. The Board also recognizes the immediate operational and customer service challenges the company has been facing since Fall 2017 - led by high demand and insufficient network resiliency, coupled with severe winter weather conditions.
"CN must accelerate execution of the innovation strategy articulated at our Investor Day last June,"said Mr. Pace. "The Board is confident this remains the right course to restore and retain industry-leading metrics and best in class customer service."
An international search for a new CEO is underway.
Company Reaffirms Guidance
Despite more difficult winter conditions and a very challenging start to the year, the Company remains confident about its future prospects. CN reiterated its fiscal year 2018 guidance to deliver adjusted diluted earnings per share in the range of C$5.25 to C$5.40 this year and will continue to invest in the safety and efficiency of its network with a record capital program in 2018 of C$3.2 billion.
Non-GAAP Measures
CN reports its financial results in accordance with United States generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). CN also uses non-GAAP measures in this news release that do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP, including adjusted performance measures, constant currency, and free cash flow. These non-GAAP measures may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies.
CN's full-year adjusted EPS outlook excludes the expected impact of certain income and expense items. However, management cannot individually quantify on a forward-looking basis the impact of these items on its EPS because these items, which could be significant, are difficult to predict and may be highly variable. As a result, CN does not provide a corresponding GAAP measure for, or reconciliation to, its adjusted EPS outlook.